Oficina C presents its report on green hydrogen to the Spanish Congress of Deputies' Ecological Transition Committee

On March 7, the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Oficina C, presents its report titled "Green Hydrogen as Fuel" to the Ecological Transition Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies as part of the Dialogues C.

Presentación del informe sobre hidrógeno verde a la Comisión de Transición Ecológica del Congreso de los Diputados
Presentación del informe sobre hidrógeno verde a la Comisión de Transición Ecológica del Congreso de los Diputados

The meeting is a closed session where interested congressional staff and leading scientists and analysts who contributed to the preparation of the report presented and contextualised the scientific evidence on the subject at hand.

The aim of the meeting is to engage in a discussion that would enable members of the Ecological Transition Committee to exchange perspectives with researchers and guests and identify shared challenges regarding the role of green hydrogen in the transition to a decarbonized economy.

The following experts will be in attendance to this meeting:

  • Dra. María Retuerto, Senior Scientist at the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry, (ICP-CSIC).
  • Dr. Javier Dufour, Head of the Systems Analysis Unit at IMDEA Energia.
  • Dra. Mercedes Ballesteros,  the director of the Energy Department at CIEMAT.
  • Dr. Jose Bermúdez,  Analyst in Energy Technologies at the Agency for International Energy.
  • Dr. Emilio Nieto, Director of the National Hydrogen Centre
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