Logo de la Oficina C

Team C

Both FECYT and the General Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies coordinate Oficina C. The technical and scientific team is run by two coordinators and five FECYT Officers: four Scientific and Technological Evidence Officers and one Communication and Networking Officer.

We have experience in research, management, evaluation, science communication, scientific advice, and parliamentary work support.

In this image, the xylem of a plant is represented by red tracheids due to a dye, Safranin, which binds to lignin; cambium and phloem are blue due to another dye, Astra Blue, which binds to cell wall polysaccharides such as cellulose and pectins.
"Xylem, cambium and phloem of Pinus sylvestris L.". Edition: FOTCIENCIA16. Author: Michele Colangelo.

About the team

In January 2022, Oficina C brought in five new officers (in addition to the 3 coordinators) to set up the Spanish Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology. The current team includes four Scientific and Technological Evidence Officers, and one Communications and Networking Officer.

The five technicians went through a selection process with more than 500 candidates. The evaluation assessed their curriculum vitae and skills in drafting scientific evidence reports and designing activities to connect the scientific community with society.
