DINA-ITC: "How do we orient research to have a socioeconomic impact?

Ponentes participantes en la sesión de DINA-ITC / @CSICbruselas
icono calendario 06/07/2023
icono ubicaciónSevilla

We collaborate in the second edition of the DINA-ITC course, 'How to Orient Research for Socioeconomic Impact?

This course, held at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville, aimed to introduce predoctoral researchers to the concept of KTE (Knowledge Transfer and Exchange) and provide them with fundamental knowledge to help them narrow their research and address society's current needs. The ultimate goal is to achieve significant societal impacts, whether in economic, social, health, technological, or other areas.

Oficina C's training on transmitting scientific information to public officials sought to teach participants how to evaluate and synthesise scientific evidence. The discussion also aimed to create awareness among researchers about a new scientific career: scientific advice on public and social policy.