Presentation of the CSIC's "Science for Public Policy" Reports

Acto de presentación
Covers of the eight Science for Public Policy reports / CSIC

Oficina C participates in the round table discussion titled "Reflections on Science4Policy" during the presentation of the new reports by the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council).

icono calendario 29/06/2023
icono ubicaciónMadrid

The "Science for Public Policy" event featured reports developed by CSIC researchers that addressed significant scientific and societal challenges. These reports focused on critical issues such as bacterial antibiotic resistance, forest fires, droughts, energy generation, food production, sustainable and healthy nutrition, and plastics management. Each report offered a comprehensive analysis of the respective challenge and evidence-based recommendations for effective solutions.

The event began with a round table discussion moderated by Carlos Closa, Vice-President of Institutional Relations at CSIC. This discussion provided a platform for insightful reflections on the role of science in policy-making. Ana Elorza, coordinator of OficinaC at FECYT, actively contributed to this this.

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